The staff will grill the beef in the course menu.

The indicated price does not include 7% VAT and 10% service charge.

Champion Yukhoe with A5 ranked beef780B

Champion Yukhoe with A5 ranked beef

It is a new style of Yukhoe sliced beef.

The course you can compare the taste of three types of beef sushi630B

The course you can compare the taste of three types of beef sushi

The luxual beef sushi couse you can compare the plain, urchin on it, and caviar on it.

Miso based Wagyu beef tartare520B

Miso based Wagyu beef tartare

Finely chopped Fresh Kuroge Wagyu beef with miso.

Hanasaki thick slice beef tongue700B

Hanasaki thick slice beef tongue

It is also a beautiful beef tongue for the eyes and good texture.

The best loin ever830B

The best loin ever

It is a squirrel-cut sirloin steak.

Chateau Briand1,480B

Chateau Briand

It is a superb steak.

Broiled trot salmon roll380B

Broiled trot salmon roll

Seafood is also served.